New Year’s Resolution

You probably won’t hear a lot from me between now and the new year.  The holidays get a little nuts when you have little ones running around.  Things that used to take a few hours, now span days.

Ordinarily, I don’t really bother with New Year’s resolutions.  Most are silly, and I generally don’t have time for any major changes to my life right now.  I have a lot waiting for me on the other side of January 1st as it is.

However, I have stumbled across a few new blogs that I am absolutely in love with, and I have found myself inspired to participate in a sort of blog project.  I haven’t done a full year BP since the PBP a couple of years back.

I found Far North Family at the tail end of a blog project called “Photos of my kids. Once a Week.  Every Week.”  I love this idea.  My camera will be back from Nikon in a few short weeks all repaired and sparkly.  Hopefully in time for the new year, but I can start even without my beloved DSLR.

In my usual style, of course, I can’t follow the rules as set out.  I must put my own spin on it.  So, beginning in January, I will begin a similar photo project that I have dubbed 52 Weeks of Calgary.  Every week I will post 3 or 4 photos of my life here in Calgary.  Some will be of my kids, but I want to also take this opportunity to find the beauty of this place.  I think that this will help me through the long winter ahead.

Snow rail

If I can find something lovely about my neighbourhood or the city in general every week, I think it will help keep the homesickness at bay.  Especially when spring comes to BC and forgets about Alberta.

So, if I don’t manage another post between now and the new year, happy holidays everyone.  I hope that whichever holy days you celebrate bring you much joy.

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10 thoughts on “New Year’s Resolution”

  1. The holidays get crazy here, too. I’m so depressed but need to snap out of it because I am the mother of a 6 year old Holiday Martha Stewart. Thanks for the links. I’m trying to find new blogs.

    1. One blog that I find helps me to keep things in perspective is called Calm Things ( I love her photos and the related poetry.

  2. Pingback: My Top Weightloss

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